Jubilee Queen attends Earth Charter Conference
Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands attended the anniversary meeting of the Earth Charter, held at the Tropenmuseum of KIT (Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) on 9 November 2005. The Charter aims to promote to a fair, sustainable and peaceful future for the youth of our time and future generations.
Earth Charter
Amsterdam - Koningin Beatrix was woensdag in het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen te Amsterdam aanwezig bij de bijeenkomst Vijf jaar Earth Charter.
Winnaars tekenwedstrijd ontmoeten Koningin Beatrix
De 25 jonge winnaars van de tekenwedstrijd in het teken van vijf jaar Earth Charter mogen op 9 november zelf hun tekeningen aan Koningin Beatrix aanbieden. Deze tekeningen, gekozen uit de 8000 inzendingen, worden gebundeld in een omslag dat door de Koningin zelf is gemaakt en daarna toevertrouwd aan de Ark van de Hoop.
Ark of Hope
November 7-9, 2005 Cami Davis, along with local artist Sally Linder, will speak at the “Earth Charter + 5” in Amsterdam, a multinational conference on the implementation of sustainable development. Representatives from dozens of countries, including Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, will meet to discuss the impact of the Earth Charter.
India's Temenos Book Temenos Books from the Ark of Hope visit India
In June 2005, by invitation of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the International Association for Human Values, and the Art of Living Foundation, Diane Gayer and Sally Linder of the United States traveled to Bangalore, India to participate in the International Women’s Conference. The conference brought together eminent women in politics, governance, business, social work, community development, film, literature, media, and art.
lotus flowers Encircling Earth with Hope
Sally Linder, a US artist, brings hope and message of peace to Bangalore, India on World Environment Day through her Ark of Hope, a refuge for the Earth Charter.
World Summit in South Africa
The Ark of Hope travels to South Africa for the World Summit on Sustainable Development.
Sloop Clearwater Sails The Hudson, Its Cargo a Revolutionary Global Document.
On a crisp and beautiful fall day, an extraordinary document boarded the great Hudson River sloop Clearwater, for a symbolic journey downriver under full sail.